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The ArtistCert Signed NFT Collections

The first ArtistCert Signed NFT Collection has been launched as part of the Digital Art, NFT and Metaverse EXPO held in Megève upper-class mountain resort in summer 2022. ArtistCert has helped the artists of this EXPO to learn how to create legally viable signed NFT. The NFTs in this collection are linked to digital arts made by these artists and linked to PDF signed with qualified electronic signatures (QES) to certifiy their authenticity. You can see it on OpenSea by clicking here as well as on Decentraland fashion street ArtistCert gallery called "De Mageva à Megève Art Gallery". If you want to know more about Mageva, click here.

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You can already create your signed NFTs with ArtistCert by becoming an official member listed on ArtistCert by clicking here.

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